Well, my youngest son might not say much (ok, anything!) but he is AMAZING at getting his point across with grunts, signs, nodding or shaking his head and dragging people to wherever he wants to be.
Over the past few days he's been using a lot more baby signs and it's very effective. We've loosely done baby sign with them since Chops was very young and I've found it a great tool for understanding their needs better before they are able to verbalise them. Even once Chops did start to speak he used to accompany his requests for milk with the sign, it became second nature to both of us while communicating and was another lovely bond that we shared.
Speaking of bonds and communication, the way Chops responds to Roly is lovely to watch. He often knows when Roly wants a drink or snack before I do. He's so in tune with his needs. It's another reason why I'm pleased that Chops won't be off to school any time soon - they'd miss eachother terribly. I'm looking forward to seeing the sibling relationship develop as Roly becomes more assertive and also a little apprehensive about the mischief ahead once the Roly One can involve the Chops in his plans!
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