Thursday, 24 November 2011

Workers Wednesday

I'm not sure what it is about Wednesdays but as usual yesterday Chops decided to do some 'table work' after lunch. He did a couple of cutting sheets which involved chopping up bugs and pretending to squash them, a writing sheet, a few pages of a reading workbook and then played the magic cauldron maths game. I can see his confidence in reading and maths brimming but he's not so sure about writing yet! Like everything else though, I'm sure once it clicks with him he'll be flying with it. He seems to go from 0-100% with things so quickly rather than trying things that he can't quite manage. Reminds me of me as I'm still not happy trying things if I'm not sure I can do them!
Roly is still babbling incoherently and being generally mischievous in the best ways possible! He's loving books about animals at the moment.

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